Function Name is Missing ) ​
If you don't put commas between function parameters, don't close all quotation marks or use mismatched quotation marks, or don't close the parentheses (), you will receive the Function name is missing error:
To correct this, you must review the function syntax and make any necessary changes.
For example:
Not placing commas between parameters:
- BAD: ADDPAY(cocrse,nmid"pydate") - you must place commas between each parameter
- GOOD: ADDPAY(cocrse,nmid,"pydate")
Using mismatched quotation marks:
- BAD: "pydate' - you must use the same quotation marks around a function element.
- GOOD: "pydate" or 'pydate'
Not closing the parentheses:
- BAD: ADDPAY(cocrse,nmid,"pydate"
- GOOD: ADDPAY(cocrse,nmid,"pydate")