Cancel Registration (cancelreg.txt) ​
The Cancel Registration email is sent when a user cancels a registration.
To activate the Cancel Registration template, the Cancelreg.txt file must be placed in the same directory that contains your HTML template files (i.e. wconnect/ace).
You may edit the email text. However, do not edit the template tags. They must remain as entered on the template or they will not work properly.
The following template tags are used on the cancelreg.txt template:
Tag | Description |
<<lcRegType>> | Registration Type (free or waitlist) |
<<tReg.cocrsenm>> | Course Title |
<<tReg.rgcrse>> | Course Code |
<<tReg.cobegdate>> | Course Begin Date |
<<fullname(tReg.nmid)>> | Function returns name of registrant |
<<lcReason>> | Reason entered when the user canceled the registration |
<<HREF>> Expressions | Build a link to Contact Us and ACEweb Home page |
Staff Notifications ​
By default Cancellation notifications are sent to the emails listed in the OfficeEmail INIÂ setting. You can change who receives the emails by entering the email address(es) in the Text value of the hidden emailNotice field on cancelreg.awp.