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Cancel Registrations ​

Students and staff can cancel registrations via the Registration History's Current Courses page.

Installation ​

The Cancel Registration feature requires an INI and email template file. They should be placed in the Templates folder (e.g. wconnect\ace). Both files are in the update zips.

INI Settings ​

The following INI settings from the CancelReg.ini (located in the Templates folder, e.g. wconnect\ace) control the Cancel Registrations feature behavior:

  • SelfCancel - what registrations students can cancel.

  • StaffCancel - what registrations staff can cancel.

  • Options for SelfCancel and StaffCancel:

    • Blank setting enables ALL features.
    • NONE disallows cancelling.
    • NOCHARGE allows them to cancel free courses.
    • WAITLIST allows them to cancel waitlisted courses.
    • ALL allows them to cancel free, waitlisted and paid registrations.

    Settings are separated with commas.

  • CheckProxies - set to ON to allow the logged on user to cancel their proxy registrations.

  • EmailNotice - determine what staff get email notifications when a registration is canceled. Set it to :CONFIG to send emails to staff listed in the OfficeEmail INI setting. Or enter email address(es) of staff who should receive the notifications.

  • RefundTo - enter ESCROW to enable the refund to Escrow option. If blank, money is left with registration for staff to refund in Student Manager.

  • LagDays - set the number of days before the course begin date that the student can cancel.

  • StaffLagDays - set the number of days before the course begin date that staff can cancel. if blank, reverts to LayDays.

  • StudentPrompt - on page message for students about what they can cancel and how long they have.

  • StaffPrompt - on page message for staff that they can cancel all courses and how long they have.

  • RegFeeDesc - fee description used on the fee adjustment applied to the registration.

Cancel a Registration ​

  1. The Cancel Registration option is available from Registration History > Current Courses. Click the Cancel Registration link to view registrations that can be canceled.

Cancel Registration Link

  1. The Cancel Registrations page opens.

Cancel Registrations Page

  1. Check the Cancel registrations I have entered for others box to select a proxy registration to cancel.
  2. Click the appropriate Cancel button.
  3. Enter a reason for canceling in the Justification field:

Cancel Reason

Staff have the option to refund to Escrow or leave the money with the registration for later refunding in Student Manager. Uncheck the Refund to escrow box to leave the money with the canceled registration:

Staff Refund to Escrow

  1. Click the Confirm Cancellation button.

The system will send an email to the student and a copy to the staff member(s) listed in EmailNotice setting in the CancelReg.ini.