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Registration Confirmation (regconfirm.txt) ​

The Registration Confirmation email is sent to individuals when they register in courses.

The following template tags are used on the regconfirm.txt template:

The tCard cursor contains fields from the Course table. Available fields are:

XRCEnables the version 3.x formatting. DO NOT REMOVE.
HTMLHeadOpening html and body tags. Should not be edited.
OpeningOpening statements, logo image, etc.. Elements in this section will not be included on the transaction notice sent to staff.
TableHeadOpening table tag. Should not be edited.
ConfirmTitleRegistrant Information. lcConfirming - displays the word Enrollment in the title, unless the user only paid a balance or invoice online, then it displays the word Payment.
CourseNameDisplays Course Title
ScheduleInfoInformation displayed for Open, Event and Workshop courses on the Cart Details. See tCard Cursor section for available fields.
AsyncInfoInformation displayed for Donation, Ind Study, Membership, and Online courses on the Cart Details. See tCard Cursor section for available fields.
HybridInfoInformation displayed for Hybrid courses on the Cart Details. See tCard Cursor section for available fields.
GiftInfoUsed with the Gift Card module to display information on the Gift Card course on the Cart Details.
ScheduleConfirmInformation displayed for Open, Event and Workshop courses when the transaction is completed.
AsyncConfirmInformation displayed for Donation, Ind Study, Membership, and Online courses when the transaction is completed.
HybridConfirmInformation displayed for Hybrid courses when the transaction is completed.
GiftConfirmUsed with the Gift Card module to display information on the Gift Card course when the transaction is completed.
CourseNotesInformation displayed for all registrations (e.g. course notes, fee summary heading, etc.)
FeesDisplays registration fees
DepositDisplays deposit amount paid and remainder notice.
NoChargeDisplays No Charge message for registrations with no fees
WorkshopsDisplays Workshop information registrant enrolls in (Workshop type courses only)
CoursePostscriptDisplay messages at the end of each course
TotalLineTotal Due line for registrations with fees. The lcTotals expression can be modified if using a custom Registration Confirmation template.
ZeroTotalLineTotal Line message displayed if registration has no fees
TableFootClosing Table tag. DO NOT REMOVE closing </table> tag. Should not be edited. Note: if you embed a table within the main table, you need to make sure the comment is listed after the closing </table> tag.
ClosingClosing statements. Elements in this section will not be included on the transaction notice sent to staff.
pcPaymentreturns payment information
HTMLFootClosing body and html tags. Should not be edited
ConfigThe ExtraFields setting adds additional tables to the tCard cursor for display in the email confirmation. Values can be: LOCATION: - adds Location fields, CrseUDFs: - adds Course UDF fields, NAMEUDFS: - adds Name UDF values, referenced on the template with the tPersonUDF cursor. Note: values are case-sensitive and conclude with the colon [:]. A colon also precedes the table listings. E.g.
config.c***** TagsDisplays ACEweb.ini Sender Name, Sender Email, and Help Phone entries.
ENDEnd of Email. Only text and template tags placed above the -END- tag will be included in the email

tCard Cursor ​

The tCard cursor contains fields from the Course table. Available fields are: cocrse, cocrsenm, cotype, coalias, cocategory, cobegdate AS Begins, coenddate AS ENDS, coregtime, conoteprt AS Notes, cocatcode, codow, colocid, cocrsetm, coinstid, cosess, cocoord, coregwarn

If you have added tables to the -Config- statement, the tCard cursor also includes fields from those tables. See -Config- section information above.

loName.FullName() ​

The loName.FullName() function returns the registrant's name in First MI Last Suffix format by default. You can modify that by entering one of the following parameters into the function:

1 = First MI Last
2 = Last, First MI
3 = First Last
4 = Salutation First MI Last Suffix
5 = Last Suffix, First MI

E.g. loName.FullName(4) would return Mr John M Smith Sr

tPerson.fieldname ​

You can also display other data from the registrant's name record using the tPerson.fieldname template tag where fieldname is the name of the field you want to include. E.g. tPerson.nmcity displays the registrant's City in the email.

NameUDFs ​

You can include NameUDF data by adding the NAMEUDFS attribute to the ExtraFields setting in the -Config-



Then using the tPersonUDF cursor to add a field, e.g. tPerson.nudfc1

loName.Memberships() ​

If you use the Membership option and want to show Membership Expiration information in confirmation emails sent to the individual, add the following expression to the -ConfirmTitle- section of the regconfirm.txt template.

iif(!empty(loName.Memberships()),"Memberships: "+loName.Memberships(,,[style='color: red;'])+"","")

The function will return Membership expiration info in the confirmation email, e.g.

Membership Information

Optional parameters can be entered to modify the display of the Membership information:

  1. Delimiter to divide multiple memberships (defaults to comma).
  2. Filter to limit which memberships are listed (e.g. nccode==tCard.cocatcode).
  3. HTML attributes, applied to span around expired memberships (e.g. [style='color: red;']; used in above function example).
  4. Message to display if user has no memberships (defaults to "None").
  5. Expiration limit – number of days into the past that expired memberships are reported (defaults to 366 days).

Include Additional Registration Information ​

You can display *registration information in the email using the tRegister and tRegUDFs cursors. E.g.

  • tRegister.rgcode displays the value of the rgcode field.
  • tRegUDFs.rudfc1 displays the value of the 1st Character type field.

These options are mostly used with the Supplemental Data Capture feature.


Any numeric fields you want to include in email confirmations must be transformed to text.

Include Pay Information ​

You can display payment information in the email using the tPay.fieldname template tag. For example, display the Credit Card Authorization # if paid by credit card:

iif(!empty(tPay.pyauthnum),[Credit Card Authorization #: ]+tPay.pyauthnum,[])

Variables ​

There are several variables used in email confirmation templates

  • *pnDepAmount - used when paying a deposit only. Returns the amount of deposit.
  • pcDepDescript - used when paying a deposit only. Returns the description of the Deposit fee.
  • plNoCharge - logical field set if there is no charge for the transaction.
  • plInvoice - logical field set if person chose the invoicing option.
  • lcTotals - generated statement listing total charges for transaction. E.g. Total Charges: $50.00.
  • lcTax - generated statement stating tax amount (if being charged). E.g. Includes 8% tax.
  • *lnSubttl - returns sub total for each course in the transaction.
  • *lnTotals - returns total amount for the transaction.


Any numeric fields you want to include in email confirmations must be transformed to text.

tWkshop Cursor ​

You can include these Workshop fields in the -Workshops- section:

wmcode, wmtitle, wmcatcode, wmdate, wmtime, wmop1, wmopt2, wmloc, wmleader, wmnote, *wsfee (workshop fee)


Any numeric fields you want to include in email confirmations must be transformed to text.

Including Other Information ​

If you want to include other information not addressed above, you must use an SQL section to retrieve additional information. For help with creating an SQL statement and adding the fields to the regconfim.txt template, please contact your ACEware Systems technician.

Include Calendar Attachment ​

Include an .ICS calendar attachment file (contains session information that registrant can import into their Calendar program--IF-- their program supports .ics files) with the VCAL section.

To enable the VCAL section, open the regconfirm.txt and remove the xx's:


You can add Calendar links to the email by adding the CalendarLinks expression to this section:

<tr><td>Add event to my calendar: ##CalendarLinks([tCard])##</td></tr>

The option will add this line to the email:

Calendar Links

This option will only add the first session to the Calendar. It will add a note about additional sessions:

Calendar Note