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Tell a Friend about a Course (SendFriend.txt) ​

If organizations are using the Tell a Friend about this Course option, the Tell a Friend about a Course email is sent to the user specified email addresses (emails entered on the SendFriend.htm). To activate the Tell a Friend about a Course template, the SendFriend.txt file must be placed in the same directory that contains your HTML template files (i.e. wconnect/ace). You must also:

  • Place a link on the XCourseStatus.htm page which calls the SendFriend routine.
  • You may edit the email text (i.e. "At the suggestion of", "Here's a complete description", etc.). However, do not edit the template tags. They must remain as entered on the template or they will not work properly.

The following template tags are used on the sendfriend.txt template:

<%= oName.FullName() %>Inserts the name of the user sending the email. Since this tag pulls information from the user's Name record, the user must log into the ACEweb system before he/she can access the SendFriend.htm page.
<%= oCourse.odata.cocrsenm %>Inserts the course name.
<%= oCat.Descript() %>Inserts the Catalog description of the course.
<%= config.cSenderName %>Includes the Sender Name from the SenderName INI setting in the ACEweb.ini as part of the email signature.
<%= config.cHelpPhone %>Includes the Help Phone from the HelpPhone INI setting in the ACEweb.ini as part of the email signature.
<%= config.cSenderEmail %>Includes the Sender Email from the SenderEmail INI setting in the ACEweb.ini as part of the email signature.
<%-End-%>Tells ACEweb where the email message text ends. Only text and template tags placed above the ##-END-## tag will be included in the email.