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Custom Course Status Template ​

You may create a custom template to display information for a particular course. For example, display customized information for the 24FACE010A course.

To create a custom Course Status template:

  1. Make a copy of the XCourseStatus.htm template.
  2. You have 2 naming options. Note: both options should be prefaced with X- (X must be in uppercase):
  • To use the template with 1 course only, use the appropriate course code in the name, e.g. X-24FACE010A.htm.
  • To use the template with multiple courses, use a generic name (e.g. X-dualfee.htm), then enter that name into the Information Page field on the Course ACEweb Info tab on all courses for which you want to use the custom template.
  1. Place your custom information on the template.
  2. Save the custom course status template.
  3. Put the template in the wconnect\ace\custom folder.

The custom course status page will now display in lieu of the default Course Status template when a user selects the course from the Course Listing.

Customize PayPrompt Message ​

If you want to remove the default Pay Prompt message, add a Config section to the bottom of your template, after the closing </html> tag, with PayPrompt set to OFF:


Apply Custom Design ​

If you don't want the page to use the standard ACEweb design, add the StandardHeader entry with the value OFF to the Config section:


Then replace the ##Standard.SectionX## tags (e.g. ##Standard.Section1##) with your custom design coding.

Remove Legacy Course Table ​

If you are using the older naming technique that did not require you to preface the name with X- (see step 2 above), you will need to set CourseTable to OFF in your Config section. E.g.:
