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Instructor Gradebook ​

You can allow instructors to edit certain registration information, including hours, grades, and credits, on courses and workshops.

Enable Gradebook ​

To enable the Grade Book feature:

  1. Assign the appropriate ACEweb Access Level to your instructors (on the Faculty screen).

  2. *Obtain copies of the following templates from your ACEware technician and place them in the specified locations:

    • GradeBook.awp - wconnect\ace.
    • GradeBook_page.prg and GradeBook_page.fxp - aceweb\aceweb.
    • Instructor.htm - wconnect\ace.
  3. Place the styles at the end of this topic into your style sheet. Note:  you will need to update the colors to reflect your own color scheme.

  4. Set the Web Grade Access Level on courses for which you will allow instructions to edit grades/hours/CEUs.

Editing Grades ​

If an instructor has access to edit registration information, when they logon they will see the Grade Book section on the Course List page:

Gradebook Listing

Workshops: if the course has workshops, the workshop entries will be indented (see Student Manager Latest and Greatest (AA01) example in above image).

The instructor clicks the Edit button to edit registration information:

Gradebook Page

Restrict Gradebook per Course ​

You can restrict gradebook access for specific courses by setting the Web Grade Book Access Level setting.

Access Level options:

  • 0 - No Access
  • 1 - View Course Information Only
  • 2 - View Rosters
  • 3 - Edit Hours
  • 4 - Edit Hours, Grade
  • 5 - Edit Hours, Grade, Credit
  • 6-9 - Not Assigned Yet

Gradebook Lag ​

By default, the instructor will be able to edit the registration information until 30 days after the course ends. You can change the default by editing the GradeBookLag setting (text in red in following example) in the Config section on the Instructor.htm template. The Config section is at the bottom of the template:


Email Staff ​

Email staff members when an instructor enters grades.

  1. You will need updated Gradebook_page.prg file (in update zips).
  2. You will also need the Gradebook.ini (in update zips), placed in the Templates folder (e.g. wconnect\ace).
  3. Edit the Gradebook.ini and enter the email addresses into the EmailNotice setting. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas.
  4. You can also customize the email subject with the EmailSubject setting. The subject defaults to Gradebook Activity Notice if EmailSubject is blank.

The system will send emails to all addresses listed in the EmailNotice setting when an instructor clicks the Save Changes button to save the gradebook values.

Gradebook Styles ​

Add these to your style sheet, updating the colors, if needed:

\#awGradeBook /\* Style for Grade Book Header Table \*/  
    width: 500px;  
    border-collapse: collapse;  
    margin: 0 auto 0 auto;  
    text-align: left;  
    padding: 0;  
    /\*sC06\*/ border: solid 1px #2e5886 /\*eC06\*/;  

\#awGradeBook th  /\* Style for Grade Book Header Row \*/  
    /\*sC03\*/ background-color: #2e5886 /\*eC03\*/;  
    /\*sC06\*/ border: solid 1px #2e5886 /\*eC06\*/;  
    vertical-align: top;  
    /\*sC04\*/ color: #ffffff /\*eC04\*/;  
    font-weight: bold;  
    text-align: center;  

\#awGradeTable  /\* Style for Grade Book's Registrant Table \*/  
    width: 480px;  
    border-collapse: collapse;  
    margin: 0 auto 0 auto;  

\#awGradeTable td   /\* Style for Grade Book's Registrant Rows \*/  
    border-bottom: solid 1px #d0d0d0;  

\#awGradeScroll  /\* Style for Grade Book's Scroll Bar/Area \*/  
    margin: 0 auto 0 auto;  
    overflow-Y: scroll;  
    height: 300px;  
    width: 500px;  

\#awGradeTableEnd  /\* Style for Grade Book Table's Bottom Bar \*/  
    width: 500px;  
    height: 1em;  
   /\*sC03\*/ background-color: #2e5886 /\*eC03\*/;  
    margin: 0 auto 0 auto;  

margin: 0 0 0 20px;  

margin: 0 0 0 20px;  