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Instructor's Course Listing Options ​

When instructors log in, they see the list of courses they are teaching:

Courses Teaching

  • Click the Course link to view the Course Status page.
  • Click the List button to view the class roster.
  • Click the Track button to record *session attendance.

Customizing Current Course Listing ​

By default, all active courses are listed in the 'Show current and upcoming courses' list. All inactive ones are listed in the Include courses taught in the past list.

Filter Options

Config Options ​

You can modify the listing behavior with options in the Config section of instructor.htm (bottom of the template, after the closing </html> tag).

<CourseFields>[<a href="coursestatus.awp?&course=]+code+[" onmouseout="LPStop()" onmouseover="LPStart(event,']+Code+[')">]+LEFT(Course,100)+[</a>] as Course,Enrolled,Waiting,Limit,Begins,Ends,cocrsetm as Meets</CourseFields>

CourseFields - field list for the Course Listing table. Fields can be any of the following:

Code, Course, Enrolled, Waiting, Limit, Begins, Ends, Meets, Location, Category, Coordinatr, Department, Comments (from Instructor record), Notes (from Instructor Pay), Instructs**

Column headings are the same as the field name. You can customized the column heading with the as heading option. E.g. change the column heading from Course to Title by entering course as Title.

We strongly recommend you contact your ACEware technician before editing this setting.

UseEndDate - Set UseEndDate element to ON to move past courses to the Include courses taught in the past listing the day after it ends.

ListLag - further modify the past listing behavior by setting a numeric value in ListLag. Positive numbers will be added to the course end date so the course stays in the current listing that number of days. Negative number will be subtracted from the course end date so the is moved that many days prior to the course end date.

GradeBookLag - sets the number of days after the course ends that instructors are allowed to enter Grades.

SuperLimit - enabled the Limited Super Instructor option.

*Attendance Tracking is an optional module.

**Shows the Instructors column with instructor names to non-super instructors, if at least one of the courses listed has multiple instructors assigned. If all courses have only 1 instructor assigned, this setting will be ignored. Note: Instructors are always shown if logged in as a Super Instructor.