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AW STORM - ACEweb Student Online Reporting Module ​

The ACEweb Student Online Report Module (AW STORM) allows students to view and print:

  • Receipts
  • Certificates
  • Transcripts


Reports are created as PDFs. Students must have a PDF reader (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader) to view, print, or download receipts, certificates and transcripts.

Installation ​

  • AWSTORM requires additional files for Student Manager and ACEweb, including default receipt, certificate, and transcript report files to be imported into Student Manager. Contact your ACEware technician for more information.
  • The receipt, certificate, and transcript reports are created through Student Manager's report writer, so they can be customized to your liking.
  • You must specify the default receipt report name in the ReportReceipt INI setting.
  • You must specify the default certificate report name in the ReportCertificate INI setting.
  • You must specify the transcript report name in the ReportTranscript INI setting.
  • You can use a custom certificate report for a specific course by setting the report name in the Web Certificate field on the ACEweb Info tab.

Web Certificate

  • Choose which courses show up on transcripts on a course by course basis by setting the Show on Web Transcript field on the course ACEweb Info tab to Yes.

Student History Page

  • Choose who is eligible for certificate printing by setting the Get Web Certificate field on the Registration screen to *Yes- or Yes/Stamp Cert Date. This must be done for each student who is eligible for a certificate.

Student History Page

Modify the Reports ​

Organization Information

The default reports are set up to pull organization information (e.g. organization name, address, phone, etc.) from a Student Manager user record called WWWEB. Organization information comes from the WWWEB user's Org Defaults preferences.

  • If the WWWEB user does not already exist, create it and enter the Organization information you want to show in the report header on the Org Defaults tab of Preferences.
  • If you already have a WWWEB user record, check that the organization information has been entered on the Org Defaults tab of Preferences.
  • Alternately, you can edit the report templates and hard-code the data onto the templates.

Other Customization Considerations

  • Many functions that work in Student Manager are not supported in ACEweb. Check with your ACEware technician before adding a function to a report.
  • Images must be within the Student Manager directory, preferably in a folder named "images", e.g. c:\Manager8\images. ACEweb cannot "find" images in other locations.

Receipts are printed from the Payment Status page. Students will click the appropriate Print button to view the receipt for that course.


  • The receipt will only have information for the specific course.
  • Students cannot print receipts for courses that have not been fully paid.

Certificates are accessed from the student's Registration History page, with the My Certificates button.


  • Staff must enable certificate printing for the registration by setting the Get Web Certificate field on the Registration record to Yes or Yes/Stamp Cert Date.

Transcripts are accessed from the student's Registration History page, with the My Transcript button.


  • By default, all courses will show on the transcript.
  • You can keep a course from showing on the transcript by setting the Show on Web Transcript field on the course record to No.