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MemberStatus ​

Display Membership Status message on the account and cart pages.

ACEweb Area(s) ​

XEnrollcard.htm, ProxyReg.awp, XWelcome.htm

Required Parameters ​


Optional Parameters ​

  1. nonMemberMsg. Message displayed for non-members. Defaults to "No active memberships.". If blank or set to "NONE", no message is displayed.

  2. currentMemberMsg. Message displayed to current members. Defaults to "[Membership]: expires on [date]". You can use the #MEMBERSHIP# and #DATE# expression in a custom message to show membership name and date expired.

  3. expiredMemberMsg. Message displayed when membership is expired. Defaults to "[Membership]: Expired on [date]". You can use the #MEMBERSHIP# and #DATE# expression in a custom message to show membership name and date expired.

  4. student. Used on proxyreg.awp to specify the proxy person's ID.

  5. expiryCutoff. Determines how long an expired membership message is displayed. Enter a negative number to indicate the offset from the current date, or a specific date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Values must be entered in quotes (i.e. "-999" or "2018-12-31").

  6. HTML tags used to surround the message lines in parameters 1-3 (i.e. tag1:"<li>",tag2:"</li>").

Example(s) ​

Example for XWelcome.htm and XEnrollCard.htm:

##MemberStatus('{nonMemberMsg:"NONE",expiredMemberMsg:"#MEMBERSHIP# expired on #DATE#",currentMemberMsg:"#MEMBERSHIP# valid through #DATE#"}')##

##MemberStatus('{nonMemberMsg:"NONE",expiredMemberMsg:"#MEMBERSHIP# expired on #DATE#",currentMemberMsg:"#MEMBERSHIP# valid through #DATE#",expiryCutoff: "-365",tag1:"<p>",tag2:"</p>"}')##

##MemberStatus('{nonMemberMsg:"NONE",expiredMemberMsg:"#MEMBERSHIP# expired on #DATE#",currentMemberMsg:"#MEMBERSHIP# valid through #DATE#",expiryCutoff: "2018-12-31",tag1:"<p>",tag2:"</p>"}')##

Example for Proxyreg.awp:

<%=MemberStatus('{student:"'+This.Page.oProxy.oData.nmid+'",nonMemberMsg:"NONE",expiredMemberMsg:"#MEMBERSHIP# expired on #DATE#",currentMemberMsg:"#MEMBERSHIP# valid through #DATE#"}')%>