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oCourse.CatDescript ​

Shows catalog description in pop up for courses in Course Listings.

ACEweb Routines/Templates ​


Required Parameters ​


Optional Parameters ​

  1. Beginning HTML tag, enclosed in quotes or brackets (e.g. [<p>]).
  2. Closing HTML tag, enclosed in quotes or brackets (e.g. [</p>]).
  3. Logical .T. uses Catalog Thumbnail field for description, if the Catalog Thumbnail field is not empty. If empty, defaults to primary description unless you have also set parameter 4.
  4. Logical .T. always uses primary description. .F. shows secondary description if non-empty, otherwise shows primary description.

Examples ​

##oCourse.CatDescript()## shows secondary description if non-empty, otherwise shows primary description.

##oCourse.CatDescript([<p>],[</p>],.t.)## shows thumbnail description, enclosed in paragraph html tags (<p>My course description</p>).

##oCourse.CatDescript([<p>],[</p>],.f.,.t.)## shows primary description, enclosed in paragraph html tags (<p>My course description</p>).