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oCourse.HTMLItemList ​

Creates specified drop down lists for filtering courses on Calendar pages.

Required Parameters ​

  1. Course Field for drop down list (e.g. cocategory, codept, coord).

Optional Parameters ​

  1. HTML name of drop down list, entered in quotation marks. Default is "lstItem".
  2. Selected value, entered in quotation marks (e.g. "Business"). The entered value will be selected by default in the drop down list.
  3. HTML ID of drop down list, entered in quotation marks. Default is the parameter 2 value.
  4. Additional HTML attributes, enclosed in quotation marks.
  5. Numeric value to specify tabindex.
  6. Condition to return courses, based on Course table (e.g. "coactive AND !cocancel AND !EMPTY(codept)" ). Default is "coactive AND !cocancel AND !EMPTY(<cfield>)".
  7. Logical .t. suppresses the first selection option-first option will be first department in list. Default .f. uses "Make a selection" as the first value.
  8. Logical .t. returns active and inactive courses. Default .f. only returns active courses.
  9. If parameter 8 is set to .f.;first value of drop down list, entered in quotations (e.g. "Select Department").

Examples ​

##oCourse.htmlitemlist([codept])## creates a drop down list of Departments for the user to filter calendar items.

##oCourse.htmlitemlist([codept],[Department],Request.Params([Department]))## creates a drop down list of Departments for the user to filter calendar items. Request.Params() function selects the previously selected department.

##oCourse.htmlitemlist([codept],[Department],,,,,,,,"Select Department")## creates a drop down list of Departments for the user to filter calendar items, with "Select Department" as the first selection value.