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oCourse.HTMLWkshoplist ​

Returns Workshop listing for Workshop type courses on the Enrollment Cart.

ACEweb Routines/Templates ​

XEnrollcard.htm, Script-based Express Registration Pages

Required Parameters ​


Optional Parameters ​

  1. Additional HTML attributes, enclosed in brackets ( [] ). You can apply classes to specific tags with the following codes:

:CHECK:checkbox class (e.g. :CHECK:class="awWkshopChk")
:RADIO:radio button class (e.g. :RADIO:class="awWkshopRadio")
:SELECT:drop down box class (e.g. :SELECT:class="awWkshopList")
:TABLE:container table class (e.g. :TABLE:class="awWkshopTable")
:OPTION:drop down list item class (e.g. :OPTION:class="awWkshopOption")

  1. WksCodeMatch - for use in with script based express registration templates only. If blank, uses WksCodeMatch INI setting to determine workshop time slots/grouping.

If entering a custom value, you must also add the hidden WksCodeMatch field to your custom express registration template with the value attribute matching the parameter value. E.g. if entering 0, you must set the value to 0 too:

<input type="hidden" name="WksCodeMatch" value="0" />

  1. NameID - used to precheck the workshop settings to show what the user has already selected.
  2. Logical .t. uses checkboxes or radio buttons instead of drop down selections. If workshops are grouped, a set of radio buttons will be generated for each grouping, unless overridden with parameter 16.
  3. Numeric return value to include workshop date/time in the heading of workshop groups (0-3) or on individual workshops (5-7):

0 - do not display date or time
1 - display time only on groups
2 - display date only on groups
3 - display date and time on groups
4 - not used
5 - display time only on workshops
6 - display date only on workshops
7 - display date and time on workshops

5.b. You can now add another parameter after your numeric parameter for 5, to expand on how the date displays:

0= returns full dates (e.g. September 25, 2016; September 25 - November 6, 2016)
2=returns date with abbreviated month (e.g. Sep 25, 2016). This option only applies with single dates.
3= abbreviate month and removes year (e.g. Sep 25, Sep 25 - Nov 6)
4 = uses DD-Mon-YY format (e.g. 25-Sep-2016)
5 = uses Windows long date format, usually written out to include the day of week (e.g. Sunday, September 25, 2016)

  1. Logical .t. shows workshop fee amount.
  2. Logical .t. hides the workshop code (just show the title).
  3. Numeric value to specify how many groups show on one line.
  4. Numeric value to specify the tabindex value. Determines tabindex for first box--if multiple boxes, tab index is incremented by 1.
  5. Character string to set workshop drop down prompt, entered in quotations. Defaults to "Select a Workshop".
  6. Character string to set text shown if workshop has no fee set. Only used if showing fee amounts (parameter 6 is .t.). Defaults to (N/C).
  7. Custom workshop return string (e.g. [ ALLTRIM(.wmtitle)+" Max:"+TRANSFORM(.wmmax)])
  8. Numeric value to specify which workshop group to return ***(see Notes below).
  9. Logical .t. to flag last workshop group--if using Parameter 13, you must use this parameter on the last workshop group to add the workshop closing tags to the workshop group listing.
  10. Character string to determine text displayed when a workshop is full. Defaults to "FULL".
  11. Numeric value to determine whether checkboxes or radio buttons are used when parameter 4 is set to True (i.e. .t.).

1 - Use a checkbox if the group only contains one workshop
2 – Use checkboxes instead of radio buttons in all cases

  1. Logical .t. to force grouping for display only. For custom use only, showing workshops in groups but allowing users to select multiple workshops from each group.

Notes ​

Workshop groups can be used on Script-based Express Registration pages. If you are using the workshop groups option, you will need to add the following hidden field to your form with the names of your workshop groups added into the Value attribute.

Example: if you have 2 workshop groups

<select id="WkShopList1" name="lstWorkShop1" tabindex="40" class="wksSele" >  
<option value="" selected > - Select a workshop: </option>  
<option value="AA01 0">Student Manager Latest and Greatest</option>  
<option value="AA02 0">Deans and Directors</option>  

<select id="WkShopList2" name="lstWorkShop2" tabindex="51" class="wksSele" >  
<option value="" selected > - Select a workshop: </option>  
<option value="AB01 0">Intro to ACEweb</option>  
<option value="AB02 0">Advertising with SM</option>  

You enter the name value (names highlighted above) into the hidden field:

<input type="hidden" name="WksGroups" Value="lstWorkShop1,lstWorkShop2" />

Examples ​

XEnrollcard.htm Examples:

##oCourse.HTMLWkshoplist()## returns workshop drop down boxes based on WksCodeMatch INI setting

##oCourse.HTMLWkshoplist([:RADIO:class="awWkshopChk"],,,.t.,0,.f.,.t.,1)## returns radio buttons with the awWkshopRadio class applied to the radio buttons

##oCourse.HTMLWkshoplist(,,,.f.,1,.t.,.t.,1)## returns drop down boxes, one per line, with time only in the selection prompt, fees showing for the workshops and workshop codes are hidden

##oCourse.HTMLWkshoplist(,,,.f.,3,.T.,.T.,1,20,[Select Workshop],[N/C],,1)## returns 1st workshop group with Select Workshop as the drop down prompt and N/C next to the title if there is no charge for the workshop

##oCourse.HTMLWkshoplist(,,,.f.,3,.T.,.T.,1,20,,,[ALLTRIM(.wmtitle)+" Max:"+TRANSFORM(.wmmax)])## returns workshop drop down boxes with date and time as drop down prompt and title and Max enrollment allowed (e.g. Database Mapping Max: 25) for each workshop in drop down

##oCourse.HTMLWkshoplist(,,,.f.,35,.T.,.T.,1,20,,,[ALLTRIM(.wmtitle)+" Max:"+TRANSFORM(.wmmax)])## returns workshop drop down boxes with date and time as drop down prompt and title and Max enrollment allowed (e.g. Database Mapping Max: 25) for each workshop in drop down, with the date displayed as the full date (Sunday, September 25, 2016)

Script Based Express Registration Template Examples:

<%=oCourse.HTMLWkshoplist(,,,.t.,0,.t.,.t.,1,60,,,,,,,2) %> returns check boxes even if there is more than 1 workshop per group. Should ONLY be used for custom situations.

<%=oCourse.HTMLWkshoplist(,,,.t.,,,.t.,,,,,,1,,,2,.t.) %> returns workshop group 1, using checkboxes even if there is more than 1 workshop per group, and allows users to select more than 1 workshop from the group. Should ONLY be used for custom situations. Note this option also requires the hidden WksCodeMatch field be added to your template. See Parameter 2 for more information.