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oCourse.MembDiscountMsg ​

Displays membership discount message with amount they can save by becoming a member.

ACEweb Routines/Templates ​


Required Parameters ​


Optional Parameters ​

  1. Character return string. Use these expressions in your return string:
  1. (up to) - text inside parentheses will only be shown when there is more than one membership course in the list
  2. <<cAmtSaved>> - amount saved by becoming a member
  3. <<cMemberList>> - membership course(s)

Defaults to: [You could save (up to) <<cAmtSaved>> on this course by becoming a member of <<cMemberList>>]

  1. AmtSaved return value: expression defining the cAmtSaved output:
  1. lnBigDiscount – if multiple discounts are available, this represents the largest possible discount
  2. lnSmallDiscount – minimum discount

Defaults to: TRANSFORM(lnBigDiscount [$$$$.99])

  1. Character return string. Message returned if no memberships are available. Defaults to an empty string.
  2. Logical .t.: the custom vocabulary terms will be applied to the output string. Required if

Examples ​

##oCourse.MembDiscountMsg()## returns You could save [$amtsaved] on this course by becoming a member of [Membership Course Title]; with $amtsaved being the most the user can save.

##oCourse.MembDiscountMsg([Save <<cAmtSaved>> (or more) on this course with a <<cMemberList>>],"TRANSFORM(lnSmallDiscount,[$$$$.99])"),[])## returns Save [$amtsaved] on this course by becoming a member of [Membership Course Title]; with $amtsaved being the least the user can save.