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oInstructor.HTMLInstList ​

Creates Instructor drop down lists for filtering courses on Calendar pages.

Required Parameters ​

  1. Instructor Name Fields for drop down list, enclosed in brackets. Defaults to [ALLTRIM(inname3)+', '+ALLTRIM(inname1)+' '+LEFT(inname2,1)] .

Optional Parameters ​

  1. HTML name of drop down list, entered in quotation marks. Default is "lstInstructor".
  2. Selected value, entered in quotation marks (e.g. "Havlicek, Chuck"). The entered value will be selected by default in the drop down list.
  3. Field used for the value attribute of the option tags. Defaults to instid.
  4. HTML ID of drop down list, entered in quotation marks. Default is the parameter 2 value.
  5. Additional HTML attributes, enclosed in quotation marks.
  6. Numeric value to specify tabindex.
  7. Condition to return courses (e.g. "instid IN (SELECT liinstid FROM (Config.cDataPath+'Linkinst') WHERE ]+[licrse IN (SELECT cocrse FROM (Config.cDataPath+'Course') WHERE ((cobegdate >= (DATE() - coweblag)) OR (NOT EMPTY(coopendat) AND coopendat <= DATE()) AND (EMPTY(coenddate) OR coenddate >= DATE())) AND coactive AND !cocancel AND cowebreg > 3 ").
  8. Logical .t. suppresses the first selection option-first option will be first instructor in list. Default .f. uses "Make a selection" as the first value.
  9. Used only when a value is entered in parameter 4. Logical .t. encodes parameter 4 field in Base64.
  10. Name of generated cursor. Defaults to tInstruct. For custom use only.
  11. Logical .t. does not populate drop down list, but populates the cursor and returns the number of records in the cursor. For custom use only.

Examples ​

##oInstructor.htmlInstList([],[Instructor],Request.Params([Instructor]))##creates a drop down list of Instructors for the user to filter calendar items.