Process.FeeBreakdown ​
Returns detailed course Fee listing
ACEweb Routines/Templates ​
Required Parameters ​
- Return Type:Fee Type (e.g. [LINE:FOI])
Return Types
LINE - returns fees on a line. If you are using this option, you will also need to use parameters 3 and 4 to format the output.
LIST - returns fees in a bulleted list.
TABLE - returns the table from the Fee Breakdown page.
Fee Types
F=Registration Fees
O=Optional Fees
I=Inventory Items
- Course code (i.e. tCourse.cocrse)
Optional Parameters ​
Pattern of fee output (e.g. [
<<ALLTRIM(fedesc)>>: <<TRANSFORM(fefee,"@$")>>
]). Used when parameter 1 is set to LINE or LIST. Is assigned to pcPattern when using TABLE output.Delimiter placed between fees (e.g. [/]). Only used when parameter 1 is set to LINE.
No Fee Message - displayed if no fee exist for the course (e.g. [None]).
Mandatory Fee Message - displayed to the right of mandatory fees (e.g. [ required]).
Custom table return enterined in quotes or brackets. Used when parameter 1 is set to TABLE to customize the fields and column titles. E.g. [fedesc:Description;TRANSFORM(fefee,pcPattern):Amount].
Example(s) ​
##Process.FeeBreakdown([LIST:FOI],tCourse.cocrse)## returns registration, optional, and inventory fees in bulleted list format
- Course Fee (Basic)
- Registration Fee: $350.00
- Course Fee (Alternate)
- Staff Fee: $295.00
- Mandatory Fee
- Calculator $10.00
- Optional Fee
- Guest $95.00
- Extra Manual 25.00
##Process.FeeBreakdown([TABLE:FOI],tCourse.cocrse) ##
##Process.FeeBreakdown([LINE:FOI],tCourse.cocrse,[<<ALLTRIM(fedesc)>>: <<TRANSFORM(fefee,"@$")>>],[/],[None],[ (required)])## returns fees in a line delimited with a /
Registration Fee: $350.00/Staff Fee: $295.00/Guest: $95.00/Calculator: $10.00 (required)/Extra Manual: $25.00
##Process.FeeBreakdown([TABLE:FOI],tCourse.cocrse,,,,,[fedesc:Description;TRANSFORM(fefee,pcPattern):Amount])## returns description and amount only, in a table