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This version works in ACEweb. This DATELIST version works in Student Manager reports.

Returns listing of all meeting dates and times for a course.

ACEweb Areas ​

XCourseStatus.htm, ECTable.htm, RegConfirm.txt, Script-based Express Registration Pages, QuickPick

Required Parameters ​

  1. Course Code:
  • XCourseStatus.htm: tCourse.code
  • ECTable.htm and RegConfirm.txt: tCard.cocrse
  • Script-based Express Registration Pages: gccourse

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Numeric return value: number of columns for meeting date display (i.e. 1 [default] places each session on its own line, 2 places 2 sessions on a line, etc. If you want all sessions listed on the same line use 100)
  2. Logical .t. lists only dates, .f. lists dates and times (default)
  3. Character String used to separate dates (i.e. "-", "/", " ", ","). Only used if parameter 7 is false. Default is 3 spaces
  4. Column delimiter (spacing between columns if the # of columns >0)
  5. Custom return string: field(s) to return (i.e. "dtoc(crmdate)+[ ]+alltrim(addloc2(crmlocid,'loclocat'))" returns the date and location of each session)
  6. Logical .t. inserts a <br> tag between dates.


  • The DateList function must be enclosed in double ##s on XCourseStatus.htm, ECTable.htm and RegConfirm.txt (see Examples 1-3 below).
  • On script-based express registration pages, it must be enclosed in <%= %> (see Example 4 below).
  • You MUST enter the correct Course Code field for the specific page in parameter 1 (see above).

Examples ​

##datelist(tCourse.code,100,.t.,,", ")## returns session dates separated by commas

##datelist(tCard.cocrse,1,.f.,,,,.t.)## returns date and time with each session on a separate line.

##datelist(tCard.code,1,.f.,,,"dtoc(crmdate)+[ ]+alltrim(addloc2(crmlocid,'loclocat'))",.t.)## returns date and location with each session on a separate line

<%= datelist(gccourse,1,.f.,,,"cdow(crmdate)+', '+nicedate(crmdate)+', '+crmtm",.t.) %> returns day of the week, formatted date, and time with each session on a separate line.