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oCourse.HTMLDepositBox ​

Returns Deposit message or selection option (checkbox), depending on template.

ACEweb Routines/Templates ​

XCourseStatus.htm, XEnrollcard.htm

Required Parameters ​


Optional Parameters ​

  1. Additional HTML attributes, enclosed in quotation marks.

  2. Checkbox label text (used on XEnrollCard.htm only).

  3. Format of information, depending on template:

    XEnrollCard.htm - formats the fee amount, if included in the checkbox label text.

    XCourseStatus.htm - contains the formatted Notice message.

  4. Logical .t displays a notice instead of a checkbox (used on XCourseStatus.htm only).

  5. Base fee amount, used to calculate balance due in the Notice message (used on XCourseStatus.htm only). If omitted, defaults to the base fee plus any mandatory fees.

Example(s) ​

##oCourse.HTMLDepositBox()## used on XEnrollCard.htm to display the Deposit checkbox and message

##oCourse.HTMLDepositBox(,,[(Deposit option of $DEP available, with the balance of $BAL due before the course starts.)],.T.)## used on XCourseStatus.htm to display Deposit option available message