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oCourse.HTMLRegFeeList ​

Returns main registration fee listing.

ACEweb Routines/Templates ​

XEnrollcard.htm, Script Based Registrations Templates

Required Parameters ​


Optional Parameters ​

  1. Additional HTML attributes, enclosed in quotation marks. Only used if parameter 2 is set to .f.
  2. Logical .t. use radio buttons instead of a drop down box.
  3. Logical .t. shows radio buttons in vertical list, one per line. Only used if parameter 2 is .t.
  4. Numeric return value for Default Selection:

0= show all active fees as selection options, with the first fee pre-selected (default)
1= show only the default fee (no selection options - for use on custom pages)
2= show the full fee amount--first fee (in course) plus any mandatory fees (for use on custom pages)

  1. Numeric value to specify which fee is pre-selected when adding the course to the Enrollment Cart. Defaults to fee order 1 if left blank. Memberships: if you have Memberships, you must enter pnSelectedOrder in this parameter.

  2. Numeric value to specify tabindex.

  3. Character string value determines fee amount format. Parameter has 2 parts delimited with pipes. 1) pattern for zero fee*; 2) pattern for nonzero fee. E.g. [(N/C)|$$$$.99]. Default is [(No Charge)|$$,$$$.99].

    Can also use an expression to customize format, e.g. iif(oCourse.oData.cocategory=[DONATION],[Please make a Donation],[(No Charge)]).

  4. Name ID: Personalized fee assignments (for custom use--leave blank unless instructed to enter value by ACEware technician).

  5. Logical .t. shows the fee description if only one registration fee is displayed. Default is to hide fee label.

  6. Character string for label of custom donation amount.

  7. Character string for field name (for custom use--leave blank unless instructed to enter value by ACEware technician).

  8. Logical .t. hides single fee amount.

  9. Character string displayed before fee list.

  10. Character string displayed after fee list.

  11. Logical .t. skips fee if 0.00.

  12. Logical .t. (or plPartner) checks for the PartnerFeeKey INI and adds the appropriate CSS class.

* If course type is Donation, zero fee display will be blank.

Example(s) ​

##oCourse.HTMLRegFeeList()## returns drop down list of fees.

##oCourse.HTMLRegFeeList([style="margin-bottom: 10px"])## returns drop down list of fees with css style applied.

##oCourse.HTMLRegFeeList([],.t.,.t.)## returns radio button list of fees with 1 fee per line.

##oCourse.HTMLRegFeeList([],.t.,.t.,0,pnSelectedOrder)## returns radio button list of fees with 1 fee per line. If student qualifies for Membership rate, the Member rate will be preselected.