Shortcut Keys
Keyboard Shortcuts to perform open screen or perform tasks in Student Manager. You can also download a PDF copy of the Keyboard Shortcuts ↗️.
Activate Main Menu Items
ALT+F= Activates File Menu
ALT+E= Activates Edit Menu
ALT+M= Activates Module Menu
ALT+R= Activates Reports Menu
ALT+T= Activates Tools Menu
ALT+H= Activates Help Menu
ALT+G= Activates Module > Registrations Menu
ALT+P= Activates Module > Pocket Ledger Menu
ALT+S= Activates Reports > Statistics Menu
Note: once you activate a Menu, you can select a specific item from the menu by pressing the underlined letter. For example, if you activate the Module menu you can select the Codes option by pressing O.
Student Manager Actions
F1= Show List of Student Manager shortcut keys
CTRL+U= Shows who is logged into Student Manager (Tools > Show Users)
CTRL+B= Checks for Student Call Backs (Tools > List Student Callbacks)
ALT+K= Checks for Instructor Call Backs (Tools > List Instructor Callbacks)
CTRL+E= Opens System Information window (Help| About Student Manager)
ALT+Q= Exits Student Manager (File > Quit)
ALT+1= Opens course Mass Change/Update/Delete/Archive screen
Module Shortcuts
ALT+C= Opens new Course record (Module > Courses > Add Course)
ALT+J= Opens Find Course window (Module > Courses > Find Course)
CTRL+K= Opens Find Active Course window (Module > Courses > Find Active Course)
ALT+A= Opens new Name record (Module > Names > Add New Name)
ALT+L= Opens Find Names window (Module > Names > Lookup Name)
CTRL+F= Opens Find Firm window (Module > Firms > Find Firm)
ALT+I= Opens new Faculty Manager record (Module > Faculty > Add Instructor)
CTRL+I= Opens Faculty Manager Find window (Module > Faculty > Find Instructor)
ALT+Z= Starts Speed Registration Entry routine (Module > Registrations > Speed Registration Entry)
ALT+O= Opens Find Outstanding Invoices window (Module > Invoices > Outstanding Invoices)
Course Record Shortcuts
ALT+3= Copies code, title, dates, instructor(s) names, time, description, location, and main registration fee from the open Course record to the Clipboard (for recalling into a document, e.g. letter, email, etc.)
CTRL+T= Copies all of the email addresses of students in the course, separated by semicolon, onto your clipboard (for pasting into an email client or document, etc.)
Faculty Record Shortcuts
ALT+3= Copies name, title, firm, address, day phone, and email address (in block format) from the open Faculty record to the Clipboard (for recalling into a document, e.g. letter, email, etc.)
F3= Faculty Talent Search
Name Record Shortcuts
F5= Find Names Tool
ALT +0 (Zero)= Manually edit the City and State
ALT+3= Copies name, title, firm, address, day phone, and email address (in block format) from the open Name record to the Clipboard (for recalling into a document, e.g. letter, email, etc.)
ALT+F9= Shows payment history of individual (can also be ran from Registration screen)
ALT+F12= Opens Log CRM Entry screen
ALT+W= Clones current Name record (Edit > Clone Name)
ALT+V= pastes data from cloned record into open Name record (Edit > Paste Name)
ALT+Y= create an Instructor record from the open Name record
SHIFT+F5= Opens Blacklist
SHIFT+ALT+P= ACEweb Users Only: blanks the Password field
Firm Record Shortcuts
ALT+3= Copies firm name, contact, address, and phone (in block format) from the open Firm record to the Clipboard (for recalling into a document, e.g. letter, email, etc.)
Registration Record Shortcuts
F4= Find Registrations Tool
F8= Mass Group Registrations
ALT+4= Switches between open and validated Fee Adjustment Descriptions
ALT+F9= Shows payment history of individual (can also be ran from Names screen)
CTRL+F12= Registration Import Wizard
Workshop Record Shortcuts
CTRL+T= Copies all of the email addresses of students in the workshop, separated by semicolon, onto your clipboard (for pasting into an email client or document, etc.)
Attendance Tracking Shortcuts
ALT+9= adds a custom Attendance Tracking record
F11= Attendance Tracker Report
Screen Shortcuts
Tab= Move FORWARD through fields
SHIFT+Tab= Move BACKWARD through fields
Esc= Escape screen WITHOUT saving changes; escape Find window WITHOUT selecting record
CTRL+A= Selects all data in a field
CTRL+Z= Undo
CTRL+C= Copy
CTRL+V= Paste
CTRL+Y= Deletes characters from where the cursor is to the end of the field
CTRL+Left Arrow Key= Moves the cursor to the front of next word in a field
CTRL+Right Arrow Key= Moves the cursor to the front of the previous word in a field
Home= Moves to the beginning of a field
End= Moves to the end of a field
F4= Opens drop down list
Open Report Shortcuts
CTRL+M= Mailing Labels (Reports > Demographics > Mailing Labels)
CTRL+P= Names w/codes (Reports > Demographics > Names w/code)
ALT+D= Deadbeat (Reports > Accounting > Special 1 Reg/1 Line [Deadbeat])
CTRL+R= Name Roster (Reports > Registrations > Rosters > Name Roster)
F2= Quick Count Enrollment Report
CTRL+F2= Quick Room Use Report
CTRL+F3= Course Packaging Report Area
F7= Pay Grabber Report
F9= Student Manager Dashboard
F10= Membership Retention Wizard
F11= Attendance Tracker Report
Report Designer Shortcuts
CTRL+I= Preview Report
CTRL+F4= Close the Modify Report screen
“Special” Action Shortcuts
ALT+F1= Repeats last Course Code entered in Query, last course record edited, or last registration added
ALT+F2= Repeats last text value entered into a query field
SHIFT+F2= Stamps current date into a date field
ALT+F3= Recalls user message/data into field (enter message on Edit > My User Profile
ALT+F4= Recalls user message/data into field (enter message on Edit > My User Profile screen)
ALT+F5= Recalls user message/data into field (enter message on Edit > My User Profile screen)
F6= Resets system to recover from error. NOTE: any unsaved changes will be lost