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Returns the specified Unlimited UDF. Can be used on various ACEweb pages and in registration confirmations.

ACEweb Area(s) ​

Xcoursestatus.htm, Person.awp, ECTable.htm, Regconfirm.txt, RegStatusFields INI, TranscriptFields INI

Required Parameters ​

  1. Table or object associated with the Unlimited UDF. If using the table, value must be in double quotes (i.e. "Names", "Course", "Register", "Instruct"). Objects are passed without quotes (oCourse,

  2. Name of Unlimited UDF in double quotes (i.e. "Dance_Partner", "Contact_Person")

  3. Lookup key to load the appropriate record (i.e. tPerson.nmid, tCard.cocrse). Note course code must be padded to 12 characters using the PADR() function.

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Logical to return raw data. By default, numeric, date, and logical fields will be transformed to character strings. If the raw data value is preferred, set this parameter to .t.
  2. Numerical value to ensure character fields will be padded to a minimum width (i.e. 40)

Example(s) ​

XCourseStatus.htm example:

##GetUUDF("Course","parking_lot",padr(tCourse.cocrse,12))## returns the course unlimited UDF named parking_lot.

##GetUUDF("Instruct","FBUserName",oCourse.Instructors([trim(instid)]))## returns the instructor unlimited UDF named FBUserName.

ECTable.htm and RegConfirm.txt examples:

##GetUUDF("Course","parking_lot",PADR(tCard.cocrse,12))## returns the Course unlimited UDF named parking_lot.

##GetUUDF("Register","dance_partner",PADR(tCard.cocrse,12)+ tPerson.nmid,,40)## returns the Registration unlimited UDF named dance_partner. Field is padded to 40 characters.

Person.awp example:

<%=GetUUDF(,"Contact_Person", %>

Notes ​

You may need to use the TRIM() function to trim trailing spaces from the returned field value. E.g. trim(GetUUDF([Course],[yourcourseuudf],cocrse))